One hundred and thirty five families have now graduated to date. This is 90% of the NZ Government's Digital Strategy Community Partnership Fund’s (CPF) project agreement deliverables for 150 families.
Final classes to complete the CPF agreement have started for 17 families at Wanganui East School and 6 at Aberfeldy School. Graduation celebrations for these classes will be in October/November (Wanganui East School’s is 28 October). After these, families with computers at home will total 158.
Surveys of CIH families have been undertaken with 41 surveys obtained from the 107 families who had graduated up to the end of July 2008, this is 38%. A comprehensive knowledgebase has been obtained, individual responses have been consolidated and summarised identifying outcomes of the families’ experiences.

Wanganui CIH Mums completing Rejuvenation surveys at Castlecliff School on 10 September 2008

Donna Ngatai is thrilled to be the lucky draw winner for the Castlecliff session.
Key findings identified so far are 39% of families reporting they have undertaken other training and education since becoming a CIH family. This is 4 times the assumed level for tertiary uptake and will considerably increase the in-kind contribution estimations to match and better CPF cash funding. Another positive result of the survey is that 29% of the families reported having a computer at home helped them find work.
Strong evidence that the project has reached its objectives has been obtained. 90% of the respondents reported using email and the internet. This is a good indication that ongoing family uptake of the first 6 months free internet cost is perceived to be worthwhile by them.
The Wanganui Computers in Homes Project will be submitting an expression of interest (EOI) to the CPF for operating more Wanganui CIH initiatives in 2009/10. The EOI is due to be submitted by 10 November 2008.
Final CPF agreement requirements to complete the project by 31 December 2008 are a project completion report due on 30 September, and a project evaluation report on 30 November. The outstanding issue to be resolved is agreement with the CPF to carry-forward project funds in 2009 to cover on-going project costs for support.
Sample comments from CIH family rejuvenation surveys:
“In my eyes thee is nothing that I would want to improve. This was an awesome course that built my confidence up.”
“I don't think there is much more CIH could do. Having the opportunity of a computer in the home is really fantastic. Without CIH we would not have a computer at all. Thanks”
“I felt the programme was run very well. Doing the 20 hours a couple of hours at a time was great as it worked in well with working and the kids. When I contacted the virus I was contacted back quickly and the computer was back in the home just over a week later, we were all very pleased and grateful.”
“The computer is mainly used for my 6 year old who has verbal apraxia. It has taught him to concentrate and try to use his speech.”
“Child helps parents!”
“Confidence using a computer. My teenage son has learnt heaps and has used these skills to help other kids on his course. My 7 year old daughter loves to Google all topics and has learnt a lot as a result”
“We got connected with Watchdog Net at a very cheap rate and it has all the basics we require. Very happy and have been still with them for the last year.”