Saturday 26 May 2007

Software for Learning

It is exciting to see the range of software becomming available free or at low cost. New computer users are quickly learning the basic skills and are eager to expand them.

Wanganui Computers in Homes assisted facilitating a Software for Learning Workshop at Castlecliff School on 17 May 2007. This was for Wanganui's school prinicpals and teachers.
Presenters were Maureen Lambert, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Education (MOE) and Lyn Ross, Wanganui Schools ICT Cluster.

The session focused on the MOE's Software For Learning resource hosted at TKI

This is a fantastic reference for identifying good quality free or low cost software which can be used to expand users capability. All software featured have been evaluated by the MOE.

Wanagnui Computers in Homes families PC's have many of the programmes installed.

Here is a link to a shared document with some of the Open Source programmes which were covered in our session.

Wanganui Computers in Homes schools and families use Atomic Learning Software, an on-line multimedia trainiing site.

Graduations at Kura o Kokohuia & Wanganui East

Kura o Kokohuia held their first gradaution celebration for 22 whanau on Wednesday, 16 May. Student training was completed and their computers were installed at home in December 2006.

Kokohuia also features in this in-depth report by Merania Karauria, published in the Wanganui Chronicle on 24 May 2007.

Wanganui East School's second group of Computers in Homes families are begining to graduate. Here are 4 who received their computers on Thursday, 24 May.

Tuesday 8 May 2007

Progress Reported at Wanganui East School

Wanganui East School has reported a number of positives from their Computers in Homes project. Here is a scan of a recent River City Press artcle describing their progress.