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Our quarterly CIH Coordinators Huis are always special; our last one in Wairoa and Mahia was ‘out of this world’. It was a huge privilege to be present for the blessing of the Wairoa Community Technology Centre, meet the learners and team, and see how they operate. They have established a fantastic resource for Wairoa’s whanau to grab their digital opportunities.
Leona and Leon, Wairoa’s CTC, Stepping UP & CIH Coordinators went out of their way to see we received amazing hospitality. Mahia was an incredible setting for our meeting. We met in the Mahia Boating Clubroom, this had a great panoramic view of the bay and we were surrounded by trophy fish and club memorabilia,. Yet even in this remote community we were able to set up a wireless network and do our business, showi each other our blogs, featured websites, plus send emails.
This was our 19th CIH Coordinators Hui since 2006 and these have become highlights in my working life. It is so inspiring to spend time with such an incredibly motivated and talented group; we are truly the Dream Team! Here we are on the balcony of the Mahia Boat Club with lovely bouquets made for us by Meihana Baty, Wairoa kairanga (weaver) & artist.
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