Our June classes were at Castlecliff, Tawhero and Wanganui East Schools plus Putiki Marae. Congratulations to our tutors: Mary Dean, Debz Tongotea, Ian Jamieson & Judd Bailey. You are our stars!! It is so heartening to read through the class evaluations by the learners and see all the highly positive comments.
Each graduation celebration was special. Chester Borrows, our Whanganui Electorate Member of Parliament presented certificates for our Wanganui East School class graduation at UCOL.

Click here to see more photos of our celebrations this month.
The June families/whanau bring our total participants for 2009/10 to 84 so far. This is well ahead of our plan to have 150 by this time next year. It shows there is plenty of demand and need for us and we could easily double our outputs if funding was available.
July will be no less exciting with the Grand Launch of the Wanganui Computer Clubhouse next week, plus new CIH classes at Tawhero School, Putiki Marae and the Whanganui Learning Centre.
The Stepping UP Programme is proving popular too. We have had over 100 learners complete their 4 modules for 2010 at the Whanganui Learning Centre so far. We are thrilled to be able to offer additional classes at Tawhero School in Term 3. These will be for the CIH parents who graduated in June and who are keen to continue improving their digital skills. Tawhero School is certainly making a huge effort to connect with their community and we are very grateful to have this opportunity.
The June families/whanau bring our total participants for 2009/10 to 84 so far. This is well ahead of our plan to have 150 by this time next year. It shows there is plenty of demand and need for us and we could easily double our outputs if funding was available.
July will be no less exciting with the Grand Launch of the Wanganui Computer Clubhouse next week, plus new CIH classes at Tawhero School, Putiki Marae and the Whanganui Learning Centre.
The Stepping UP Programme is proving popular too. We have had over 100 learners complete their 4 modules for 2010 at the Whanganui Learning Centre so far. We are thrilled to be able to offer additional classes at Tawhero School in Term 3. These will be for the CIH parents who graduated in June and who are keen to continue improving their digital skills. Tawhero School is certainly making a huge effort to connect with their community and we are very grateful to have this opportunity.
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