Sunday, 21 November 2010
Whanganui is So Special
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Digital therapy is great for keeping on top of mid-winter blues at the Eugene Crotty Pensioner Flats
So it is great to able squeeze in an extra WCIH ICT pilot at the Wanganui District Council’s Eugene Crotty pensioner flats complex, with around 40 residents. We have set up 5 computers there , all connected to the internet and are really excited about letting the “crumblies’ loose on the digital highway.
It was very special today to launch the pilot with the residents. Here’s to it making a difference for as many there as possible. We are not just leaving them to it either. Ian will be taking weekly classes for them over next couple of months or so. So watch out you young punks the Eugene Crotty crew are on your tail J
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Jumping on the CIH Juggernaught in June
Our June classes were at Castlecliff, Tawhero and Wanganui East Schools plus Putiki Marae. Congratulations to our tutors: Mary Dean, Debz Tongotea, Ian Jamieson & Judd Bailey. You are our stars!! It is so heartening to read through the class evaluations by the learners and see all the highly positive comments.
Each graduation celebration was special. Chester Borrows, our Whanganui Electorate Member of Parliament presented certificates for our Wanganui East School class graduation at UCOL.

The June families/whanau bring our total participants for 2009/10 to 84 so far. This is well ahead of our plan to have 150 by this time next year. It shows there is plenty of demand and need for us and we could easily double our outputs if funding was available.
July will be no less exciting with the Grand Launch of the Wanganui Computer Clubhouse next week, plus new CIH classes at Tawhero School, Putiki Marae and the Whanganui Learning Centre.
The Stepping UP Programme is proving popular too. We have had over 100 learners complete their 4 modules for 2010 at the Whanganui Learning Centre so far. We are thrilled to be able to offer additional classes at Tawhero School in Term 3. These will be for the CIH parents who graduated in June and who are keen to continue improving their digital skills. Tawhero School is certainly making a huge effort to connect with their community and we are very grateful to have this opportunity.
Saturday, 5 June 2010
Tawhero School is a great venue for a cool class

It was neat to get along to Debz Tongotea’s class at Tawhero School on Wednesday night. They are halfway through their training now. Debz is doing a very good job of taking the class and is enjoying see the transformation of her pupils into confident PC users.

It was fun to talk to them about getting set up their PC’s at home and connecting to the internet from there. Ian Jamieson came along too, and between us we explained how we would do our best to make it easy when they get their computers and internet connections at home.

NZ Government funding for Computers in Homes announcement makes Coordinators happy
Our latest National CIH Coordinators meeting in Wellington on 27/28 May was a very exciting affair. The announcement on 27 May by Hon. Tariana Turia, Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector that NZ$8.3M would be invested by the NZ Government into programmes to increase digital literacy, including Computers in Homes and Computer Clubhouse, is very good news indeed. It is really heartening to read Tariana’s praise for our programmes and receive her support.
Naturally, Tariana’s announcement made our strategic planning discussions very important and we have already mapped out where the investment could be spent best. Whilst this is a great boost for CIH, the numbers likely to be enabled will only scratch the surface for helping our needy families get on the right side digital divide. There are still 100,000 low decile households who don’t have PC’s or an internet connection at home; we can help around 3,000 (3%). Nevertheless, it is a fantastic milestone that the NZ Government has now recognised CIH as important enough to scale up and have its own budget line!!
Here we are celebrating at the Porirua Business Network with Deputy PM, Hon. Bill English, and MP Hekia Parata.
It is easy to be happy when we can contribute to, and share the achievements of our most needy families in making the most of our digital opportunities. I am so proud to be able to work with the CIH team for my community in Wanganui.
Click here to see other photos from the NCIHCG Hui.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Merry May Update
We are making the most for our digital opportunities in Wanganui with plenty happening here to make a better digital world for our community.
Wanganui Computer Clubhouse Blessed

Last Friday, 21 May 2010 was a BIG milestone for Wanganui with the blessing of our new Computer Clubhouse. Here is our Deputy Mayor, Dot McKinnon talking about how having the Clubhouse will make a difference for us. Our kaumatua Uncle John Maihi is in the background, with Jay Rerekura, Sally-Jane De Salazar, Heather Cox, and Clubhouse Coordinator, Marcina Kenworthy.
Click here to see other photos from the blessing and scans of press coverage
It is so cool to see the Clubhouse underway. We are planning to have a formal launch in July, once membership is established and projects have started.
Wanganui CIH ProgressCurrently, we have got CIH classes going at Castlecliff, Tawhero, Wanganui East and Whanganui Awa Schools, and Putiki Marae. We have got around 85 participants registered –WHEW. This is well along the way to our goal of 150 families by July next year!
Here is a photo taken earlier this week at the Putiki Marae Cyberwhare with our CIH class tutor Judd Bailey and some of the whanau.
Wanganui District Council Wisdom
I am so proud and pleased to be living in a district where the local authority has really got their act together to lead facilitation of our digital capability and capacity. The WDC has a draft Digital Strategy out for consultation AND a draft Broadband Strategy. Plus, they have got a draft Economic Development and Resource Management Strategy out with broadband capability and capacity identified as a key opportunity and desired strength.
Click here to download copies
Evidence of Digital Need for Wanganui
The survey finds there are still 25% of households NZ-wide who do not connect to the internet from home. Wanganui's uptake is much worse at 34%. This is the second lowest in NZ. For broadband uptake, 63% of NZ households connect. Wanganui's uptake is 47%, the lowest proportion in NZ.
Whilst this result is not a good one for us, it will provide a useful benchmark which we can use to move up the ladder. It is very strong evidence there is still plenty of effort needed to get on the right side of the digital divide.
On the positive side though, the survey shows plenty of evidence that those who do connect are increasing their use of on-line:
- Internet banking is up 41% from 37% to 52% of total population
- Social networking is now the 5th most popular activity at 37%, not measured in 2006 (Not considered important then?)
- Telephone over the internet has increased 150% from 8% to 20%
- Video calling is 13%, not measured in 2006.
- Download or watch movies, short films or images are up 107% to 27% from 13%.
- Applying for jobs online (16%) and making online payments are 6th= most popular both increasing 60% since 2006.
Internet activities now seem to be taking a solid role in peoples' lives and provide important tools for them to be successful. We can all take heart that now is a better time than ever to get the laggards to jump aboard the ICT juggernaught!!!!
Click here to download my full analysis of the survey.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Putiki Marae Cyberwhare is Amazing
The Putiki Cyberwhare is using much more than all the basic software. One programme Judd has introduced is Freemind: . This is a neat & free mind mapping programme which they are using to brainstorm ideas. Also, Judd is using Freemind to plan and map the operation of the Cyberwhare. Freemind is particularly good for showing relationships, so it is has special appeal as a tool to show whakapapa Maori (family trees).
Sunday, 21 March 2010
Fantastic Microsoft Support for Stepping UP and the Whanganui Learning Centre

We are so grateful to Microsoft for their donation of software valued at US$40,880. This will enable our Stepping UP programme provider, the Whanganui Learning Centre to use up-to-date software for their digital learning classes this year - YAY
Microsoft’s software donation is over and above their already committed partnership support for the Stepping UP programme. In Wanganui, we have 250 places for 2010 available in our FREE 10 hour certificated course (4 digital steps/modules x 2.5 hours).
Microsoft’s generosity has enabled us to add considerable value to the outcomes we can achieve from the Wanganui Computers in Homes programme and community digital literacy in Wanganui. In particular, we would like to thank Belinda Gorman, Microsoft NZ’s Community Affairs Manager, who has made a huge effort for us to make this all possible. We have really appreciated her visits to Wanganui and look forward to continuing this relationship as we see the results of the community ICT investment ‘mature’.
I was a 2007 graduate of the Microsoft Unlimited Potential Foundation’s Community ICT Facilitators programme run with the Department of Internal Affairs at Whitireia Polytechnic, Porirua. Three years down the track it is so cool to see how strongly community ICT and digital learning have become priorities. There are plenty of challenges coming up but we are well placed to meet them through Microsoft’s commitment to helping us. We will do our best to make the most of it.
Friday, 12 March 2010
Plenty happening in Wanganui for CIH

We have just completed arrangements for the Whanganui Awa School, Ranana to become a partner school and they will be starting their first class before the end of March. It is great to be able to take CIH to this small ‘isolated ‘community. Ranana is around 50KM up the Whanganui River, so having computers at home and internet connections will make a huge difference for these people.
New classes are planned to start soon at Wanganui East, Castlecliff & Tawhero Schools plus we are finalising arrangements to make two new Community Technology Centre partnerships who will run classes.
We have uploaded a video to You Tube about Wanganui Computers in Homes. Click here to view We had this made for our entry in the Wanganui Chamber of Commerce Business Awards by Graeme Tidswell, TSH Audio Video, Taranaki. We are very grateful to Graeme for making it available for us to use to publicise CIH. The video features our Tutor/Technician Ian Jamieson and the Critanovich family telling how CIH made a positive difference for them. We plan to spend a lot of time telling our families stories this year as it is so important to share these experiences and show them to families who aren’t connected digitally at home yet.
National CIH Coordinators Hui in Wairoa/ Mahia via Gisborne 4-6 March

Click here to view more photos.
Our quarterly CIH Coordinators Huis are always special; our last one in Wairoa and Mahia was ‘out of this world’. It was a huge privilege to be present for the blessing of the Wairoa Community Technology Centre, meet the learners and team, and see how they operate. They have established a fantastic resource for Wairoa’s whanau to grab their digital opportunities.
Leona and Leon, Wairoa’s CTC, Stepping UP & CIH Coordinators went out of their way to see we received amazing hospitality. Mahia was an incredible setting for our meeting. We met in the Mahia Boating Clubroom, this had a great panoramic view of the bay and we were surrounded by trophy fish and club memorabilia,. Yet even in this remote community we were able to set up a wireless network and do our business, showi each other our blogs, featured websites, plus send emails.
This was our 19th CIH Coordinators Hui since 2006 and these have become highlights in my working life. It is so inspiring to spend time with such an incredibly motivated and talented group; we are truly the Dream Team! Here we are on the balcony of the Mahia Boat Club with lovely bouquets made for us by Meihana Baty, Wairoa kairanga (weaver) & artist.
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Castlecliff School is making the most of ICT for CIH, plus Ali’s Rant
It was great to visit Mary Dean’s Castlecliff School Computers in Homes class with Ian Jamieson, our technical support provider and tutor, on Tuesday night. The class are over half way through their 20 hours training and we will be holding their graduation celebration on Tuesday, 30 March - YAY!!!.
Ian and I were ‘blown away' with the class and are really looking forward to their graduation on Tuesday, 30 March J
I am writing this today after attending our monthly Wanganui CIH Project Steering Group Meeting. We are so lucky to have such a strong group of people to govern our project. Today was our 36th meeting, and as usual it was an inspiring opportunity to obtain a balanced, focused and well considered perspective from which to manage and coordinate CIH and Stepping UP for Wanganui.
I am truly privileged and grateful for all our steering group members’ contributions. Often, I am way out of my comfort zone to explain what I/we am/are doing, but when I have to put my hand over my heart and do it, then it sorta flows thanks to their wisdom in fleshing out the important dialogue.
Thursday, 21 January 2010

We are looking forward to 2010 in Wanganui being a biggie for our Computers in Homes families and Stepping UP participants.
Computers in Homes classes will be starting in several schools soon, plus at the Whanganui Learning Centre, alongside their Stepping UP classes. We are always keen to hear from people wanting to join us. Please give me a call on 06 348 9504 or send me an email to to register your interest.
Our last CIH Graduation, our 18th, was held in Whanganui UCOL’s Atrium on 15 December 2009. This was for families who were trained at Wanganui East School by Ian Jamieson. It was a great chance to bring families into UCOL to celebrate their achievements. It is no accident that Whanganui UCOL is a partner with us and we want as many of our older families as possible to continue their learning and complete some tertiary study. The Atrium is a fantastic celebration venue; it was very humbling and inspiring to share the accomplishments of our families there. Our National CIH Coordinator Extraordinaire, Di Das came up from Wellington too and took the photo above of WDC Councilor Sue Westwood and I presenting Tee Apa Kiatipa with his certificate. You can see more of Di’s photos in this album (click here)